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Yours Truly Blogger

Diabetes: Mother of many diseases

Diabetes is a foundation stone of many diseases…..yes you read it right. Many of the diseases even fatal heart attack arise as a complication of diabetes.

Diabetes is also called a silent killer .because very stealthily and subtly it destroys the most vital organs in the body and leaves you either handicapped or at the brim of death and leaving you confused as well  -where the hell I go wrong in my life?

What is diabetes?

Well by definition, diabetes is a vascular cum metabolic problem caused by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins due to defects in insulin secretion and insulin action leading to both small blood vessel disease and large vessel disease.

Uff  ..difficult to understand in one go…let's make it simple.

Individuals with diabetes have too much glucose or blood sugar in their bloodstream which can negatively affect the whole body, including the cardiovascular system, circulation, eyesight and kidney function. 


Insulin is hormone secreted by our body which helps in glucose regulation ,when there is too much glucose in our blood ,insulin decreases it by increasing uptake of glucose by cells.But in diabetes either due to insulin deficiency or our body is resistant to insulin action, hence glucose remains increased in our blood.

Types of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is more prevalent in young people and it is due to the complete autoimmune destruction of cells that produce insulin .so there is an absolute deficiency of insulin. (autoimmune means when our body’s own defense system turns against us).

Type 2 diabetes is more prevalent in adults. This is typically linked with a sedentary lifestyle.

Risk factors of Type2diabetes

-Sedentary lifestyle


-Wrong dietary habits

-High cholesterol in the blood.

-Diabetogenic genes.

Now you might ask how this causes diabetes? one thing is clear in this type is that insulin-producing cells are intact. but above risk factors are metabolic problems that by various mechanisms make body resistant to insulin. Simply insulin is produced but is not going to act where it is needed.

Symptoms of diabetes-

Excessive thirst

Excessive hunger

More frequent urination


-Poor immune system

-Delayed wound healing




-diabetic retinopathy

-chronic kidney disease

-neuropathy(nerve damage) you will not be able to feel any sensation on extremities.

-gangrene….yes you may need to amputate your body parts


-heart attack

I know this is horrible…..but what is more horrible is that these are the most common complications through which you may have to go through.There are numerous other complications associated with diabetes.

How to prevent -

1. In case your family has diabetes, you need to regularly monitor your glucose levels, as there is a greater possibility that you may have inherited diabetogenic genes from them.

2.Diet-now this is the most important part.

There are two types of diets. Diet no.1 is a low-calorie intake or weight-reducing diet. Another one is a weight maintenance diet. The logic behind is that if you cannot reduce the weight then at least don’t gain it.

Restriction of fat is required.

Taking complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbs like fructose, glucose, sucrose.

Artificial sweeteners can be used.

3.if your random blood sugar levels are too high i.e above 200 mg/dl, you need to consult your doctor and start anti-diabetic medication.


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