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Yours Truly Blogger

Why boredom is vital for life?

 We all experience boredom in our life. Ok I know that this is a very boring line itself to start with.But do you know boredom is very necessary because if the mankind has reached so far ,it is due to creative things  and new inventions which has come to man when he was BORED.

Yes if we are constantly indulged in something,we might lose our creativity to make new things.

Boredom is actually a state experienced when there is no work for the mind or emotions with only the Intellect doing routine duties.There is nothing soul stirring or thought provoking or innovative to the mind.

Boredom is an unpleasnt feeling,nobody wants to get bored.but this also causes an intense itchy feeling to seek something new.

Mechanism of boredom

Dopamine is the reward chemical in our brain that brings about a feeling of satiety when we do something we find pleasurable. 

Over time, repeated stimulation of the satiety centres in the brain results in the downregulation of dopamine receptors (reduction in the number of receptors) due to an increased neurotransmitter concentration in the synaptic cleft.

The downregulation of receptors manifests in the form of an increased threshold to pleasurable stimuli.

The experiences that brought us joy become attenuated in their ability to do so.

This renders us unable to appreciate the things we loved the most and insensitive to pleasure.

We need more intense experiences to derive the same amount of joy.

Why boredom is a problem now days?

Well i can blame mobile phones again.

These days we need constant stimulation. Like I am waiting for something ,i will take out my phone and start scrolling any news feed without considering whether it is important to me or not.

 why because I am having a fear that i can get bored.

After waking up in the morning , we first see phone .

While eating , we see phone.

Even while sitting on the throne in toilet,we see our phone.

While waiting on red light ,we see our phone.

After coming from work,we see our phone.

Before sleeping ,we see our phone.

Some of you might be thinking that i am too much against your favourite device.I am not saying cell phones are bad.They are one of most important utility devices in our daily life.

What my mission was to stress upon that how much our tolerance to boredom has decreased.

If this source of constant stimulation is taken away from you, you feel so worthless.Take a note of it because it is pathological.

Studies have shown that this type of behaviour has been  linked to depression. And we all know depression is not a joke.

Merits of boredom-

1.It awares you about your existence. are able to contemplate about your life goals. try to do creative things to relive your inner tension.

4.This creativity allows your brain to grow by making new connections in the brain.

5.who knows ,some of us may discover our passion and start making giant strides towards it. can talk with your family about unnecessary things which are sometimes necessary for family bonding.

7.Threshold to pleasure decreases ,so even small pleasures can provide you greater happiness.

So what you are waiting for, leave your phone habit aside, get bored, and do amazing things.


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