Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Are you suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Here’s how you know it. - Yours Truly Blogger Are you suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Here’s how you know it.
Yours Truly Blogger
Yours Truly Blogger

Are you suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Here’s how you know it.

 Abdominal pain, bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea …I very sure these symptoms are encountered by us from time to time. But when these symptoms present themselves on a regular basis and affecting your daily life,you need to rule out IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Before any further discussion,I want to make it clear that this thing is NOT going to lead to any cancer or serious illness.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a functional disorder of gastrointestinal tract characterized by abdominal pain, or discomfort and altered bowel habits in absence of detectable structural, infective, or biochemical abnormalities.

IBS is a benign chronic symptom complex of alterd bowel habits and abdominal pain.

Types of IBS

IBS -constipation predominant( altered bowel pattern is most frequently constipation)

IBS-diarrhea predominant

IBS - mixed (diarrhea alternating with constipation)


Pathogenesis of IBS is exactly not known.however following factors have been proposed.

1.Gastrointestinal motor abnormalities- Intestinal motility is different in 25-75% of IBS patients as compared to healthy ones.

Patients with diarrhea as predominant symptoms exhibit rapid small intestine contraction waves which increases intestinal transit time ,simply your intestines got increased motility.

Patients with constipation predominant have decreased intestinal contraction waves.

2.Abnormal psychological features-Abnormal psychiatric features are found in up-to 80% of IBS patients.This include Anxiety,Depression,Excessive worry.

3.Central neural dysregulation - It is seen that stress and emotional disorders lead to exacerbation of symptoms.

4.Altered Intestinal Flora-Bacterial overgrowth in small bowel has been observed in IBS.

5.Diet-Certain diet and food may precipitate an attack by virtue of immune activation and mucosal inflammation.

Clinical features-

1.Usually occurs before the age of 45years.

2.More common in women as compared to men.

3.Abdominal Pain typically in lower abdomen aggravated by emotional stress or poor sleep or intake of food, relieved by passing stools or flatus but relief is only temporary.

4.If Diarrhea -will be painless ,low volume stools, never at night.There is sense of incomplete evacuation.

5.If Constipation-passage of pellet like stools which is associated with abdominal pain.

6.Increased flatulence and Belching ,and sometimes Abdominal distension.

7.Sometimes heart burn and nausea can also be present.

Look out for danger signs

*if more than minimal rectal bleeding.

*weight loss 

*unexplained iron deficiency anaemia.

*family history of colorectal cancer

*family history of Crohns disease or Ulcerative colitis.

*nocturnal symptoms

If any of above features present ,consult your doctor immediately.


First of all IBS is curable, you are certainly not going to live with it for rest of your life.

Avoid foods that precipitate symptoms.I am sure you may be able to recall such food items like beans ,onions , bananas,apricots,brussels sprout, alcohol, caffeine etc.These food items depend upon individual to individual and not same for everyone.

Antidepressants ,Antispasmodics, Lubiprostone, Antibiotics are also tried.


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