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Yours Truly Blogger

Lets bust some myths regarding our body

There are some myths about our body,which are so widely accepted but at the same time far from being truth.Its our mission to debunk these myths.Its more amusing that people even debate over .Hence we find it enjoyable to find the truth behind these myths.So let the fun begin.

Myth no 1.-We only use 10 percent of our brain.

Truth-Its funny  that we see these in memes ,movies,everywhere else.Ofcourse it is not truth.Most of the brain cortex works at full capacity even when we are fully asleep.

Myth no 2-Brain cells stop growing when you reach adulthood.

Truth-Actually its true we have finite number of neurons but this does not means  we cant develop ourselves Actually now days there is a concept called as neuroplasticity, that means neurons make new connections and change throughout entire life.So now you dont have any excuse to learn new things.

Myth no 3-Human only have 5 senses: Sight ,Smell ,Hearing ,Touch, Taste

Truth-Actually we can percieve 14 to 21 senses,

Apart from above five,we percieve 

Pressure sense ,thermoregulation,balancing and equilibrium,nociception or pain,itch,proprioception,Tension sensors in the muscles,Stretch receptors in lungs,heart , bladder.,chemoreceptors in medulla of the brain.

Myth no 4 -Our heart skips a beat when we sneeze

Truth-The heart’s rhythm sometimes changes when we sneeze but it never stops.If really heart stops beating then circulation to brain should be immediately affected,and you would become unconscious and obviously this does not happen.

Myth no 5-Healthy teeth should perfectly white.

Truth- A tooth’s natural colour is slightly yellowish.It is due to composition of enamel (covering of tooth).

Myth no 6-Lines on your palms and wrists can say something about your health and future.

Truth-These lines are natural skin folds and cant say anything about your personality or future.These lines are formed along when fetus first times closes his hand and which deepens as his age progresses.

Myth no7-Shaving hair makes it thicker.

Truth -After we cut outer part of a hair,what remains is a blunt non conical end ,which is what feels hard.

Myth no8-Rusty iron nails cause tetanus. 

Truth -Not exactly. Tetanus is caused by a bacteria called Clostridium tetani, which makes its home in soil, dust, and feces. If you get a puncture wound from something that's been exposed to any one of those elements, regardless of whether there's rust, it's possible to become infected with tetanus.


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