Yes, you read that right …..syndrome x, and it's not related to x men…jokes aside. Syndrome x is a serious metabolic disorder.
It has got several names like Metabolic syndrome, Insulin resistance syndrome, Reaven syndrome, and Dysmetabolic syndrome.
It's a proinflammatory, prothrombotic state that consists of a cluster of clinical findings and laboratory abnormalities.
Clinical findings-
-Skin tags and skin changes of acanthosis nigricans ("darkened skin" on the back of the neck or underarms) or skin tags (usually on the neck).
-Polycystic ovarian disease
Laboratory findings-
-Hyperglycemia(increased blood sugar)
-Dyslipidemia(deranged triglycerides, low HDL)
-Insulin resistance
How Clinical diagnosis is done-
: Abdominal obesity(waist circumference more than 88cm in women and more than 102cm in men.
: Body mass index of more than 30
: Raised triglyceride level more than 150 mg /dl
: Reduced high-density lipoproteins HDL cholesterol (less than 40mg/dl in males and less than 50mg/dl in females.
: Raised blood pressure(more than 130/85mm of hg)
: Raised fasting blood glucose level or type 2 diabetes
When to see a doctor
If any of the above 3 presents in clinical diagnosis points, you need to see a doctor.
What can happen with syndrome x
Consistently high levels of insulin and glucose are linked to many harmful changes to the body, including:
- Damage to the lining of coronary and other arteries, a key step toward the development of heart disease or stroke.
- An increase in triglyceride levels, resulting in an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease
- An increased risk of blood clot formation, which can block arteries and cause heart attack and strokes
- A slowing of insulin production, which can signal the start of type 2 diabetes a disease that is in itself associated with an increased risk for a heart attack or stroke.
- Fatty liver which is sometimes associated with inflammation of the liver (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH). If untreated, NASH could lead to cirrhosis and liver.
- Honestly, if you are going to search for the best treatment on the web, I think it's not a great idea, you need to see your doctor as multiple body system problems are involved.
- What you can do is to lose weight with diet less in calories and more in fibers. There should be a daily 30 min exercise.
For more about Diabetes and its complications, you can check out this article